We longtime friends Tatiana Moore, Roman Hoida and Mary Hoida love our WEnergy.coffee

Coffee has always been a part of our lives, from rising in the morning to late at night at work. However, we were constantly on the lookout for a coffee that would not only taste good, but also provide powerful sustained energy and focus throughout the day.


One day we discovered Ukrainian adaptogenic herbs. These herbs have been used in traditional medicine for centuries to help the body adapt to stress and improve mental alertness and mental clarity. We began experimenting with different blends of coffee and adaptogenic herbs, testing and refining the flavors until we found the perfect combination.

After several years of research and development, we created our own blend of coffee and adaptogenic herbs. To create this blend, together with a team of experts, we selected the best coffee beans from around the world and adaptogenic herbs from different regions of Ukraine. The resulting flavor is exquisite, rich and full-bodied, reflecting the unique blend of ingredients.

Initially it was just our personal blend, enjoyed by us and our friends. Over time, we realized that we had created something special that could be enjoyed by others, so we decided to share it with the world.

We are happy that health enthusiasts and fans are enjoying the taste and appreciating the effect WEnergy.coffee is having. You too can feel the power of this unique combination of coffee and adaptogenic herbs. Pick up a cup of our beautiful coffee and start your day right.

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