We're here to change the way you energize

Adaptogens are set apart from other medicinal plants by their ability to bring your body back into balance

Scientific Advantages

influence of adaptogens

Adaptogens are a category of plants that work in a general and gentle way to support the body’s natural response to stress. Whether the stressor is external (e.g., demanding job, financial worries, caring for parents/children) or internal (e.g., poor diet, lack of sleep), adaptogens can help bring your body back into balance.

Some adaptogens are calming, some are mildly stimulating, some support concentration and working memory, while others help support a healthy immune response.

They work through your endocrine and nervous systems to help you cope with stress. Check out this fun chart from adaptogen researcher Alexander Panossian.

Panosyan A., Vikman G. influence of adaptogens on the central nervous system and molecular mechanisms associated with their stress-protective activity. 2010

Functional coffee

Adaptogen-infused coffee

Adding the power of adaptogenic herbs to your coffee can dramatically change your energy level and stamina. Each herb in WEnergy.coffee is specially selected for its energizing properties, whether it’s increasing focus, maintaining vitality, or boosting the body’s immune system.

Adaptogens differ from other medicinal plants in their ability to balance the body. Feeling tired? Adaptogens can help you regain your energy. Can’t wake up? Adaptogens will give you the boost you need.

Because of the diverse effects of adaptogens, they can help you solve any energy deficiency problem and restore energy without disrupting the body’s natural rhythms.

rhodiola and stamina

Adaptogenic herbs

Rhodiola, often called golden root, is a remarkable adaptogen that has been a staple of traditional medicine for centuries. This herb stands out for its many benefits.

First and foremost, Rhodiola is known to increase stamina. It boosts energy levels not by giving a jolt like caffeine, but by optimizing the body’s energy production. Studies have shown that athletes and people in high-stress jobs experience increased endurance when taking Rhodiola regularly.

Rhodiola also supports cognitive functions, including memory and concentration. In addition, its mood-lifting properties are significant. It helps balance serotonin levels, leading to improved mood and reduced anxiety. With consistent use, Rhodiola can truly transform one’s well-being.

De Bock, K., Eijnde, B.O., Ramaekers, M., & Hespel, P. Acute Rhodiola rosea intake can improve endurance exercise performance. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 14(3), 298-307.

Parisi, A., et al. (2010). Effects of chronic Rhodiola rosea supplementation on sport performance and antioxidant capacity in trained male: preliminary results. The Journal of Sport Medicine and Physical Fitness, 50(1), 57-63.

How Adaptogens Work



Energizing Eleuthero

Adaptogenic herbs

Often compared to coffee for its energizing properties, eleuthero is remarkably different in its mechanism. While coffee may push you to burnout, eleuthero revitalizes and directs your energy sustainably.

Think of this adaptogen as a neuroendocrine regulator, harmonizing the interactions between your nervous and endocrine systems related to hormones.

Eleuthero helps maintain stable vitality and energy. Enter the world of neuroendocrine regulation. Eleuthero plays a key role in balancing hormone-producing endocrine cells and nerve cells. The results? Stability in hormonal balance and nervous system function.

The herb also holds a unique place in the herbal world, related to but distinct from ginseng. While both are energizing adaptogens, eleuthero’s neutral energetics make it versatile and arguably superior in adaptogenic function.

With its myriad benefits, eleuthero is truly a hidden gem in the world of natural energizers. Immerse yourself in its wonders and let it revitalize your day!


Sports and Coffee


Vanilla Ice, Ice Baby


Vanilla Ice, Ice Baby Immune Support Iced Coffee


1 serving of WEnergy EMPOWER THINK
½ cup unsweetened almond milk (or dairy alternative of choice)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract


Brew WEnergy EMPOWER THINK and pour into the cup of your choice.
Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Remove cup from refrigerator and add ½ cup unsweetened milk or other preferred dairy alternative along with 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.
Pour over the desired amount of ice.

Sit back, sip and enjoy!

Keto Coffee Boost



Golden Turmeric Coffee


½ teaspoon turmeric⁣
1-2 teaspoon maple syrup⁣
½ teaspoon cinnamon⁣
½ cup nut milk or oat milk⁣
1 cup WEnergy EMPOWER THINK brewed coffee

For Iced
Place the milk and spices in a bowl and use a whisk or handheld frother to combine all ingredients.
Take a sip and adjust the sweetness to taste.
Add the brewed WEnergy EMPOWER THINK to the blended ingredients.
For Hot
Place milk in a saucepan and bring to a gentle simmer (alternatively, use a milk frother). Once simmering, stir in all ingredients except coffee and whisk to combine. Adjust for sweetness if desired. Add the brewed WEnergy EMPOWER THINK to the blended ingredients.

Fall Inspiration


Twilight Tranquili


120ml brewed decaffeinated coffee ENERGY FLOW
120 ml herbal tea
Ice Cubes
Whipped cream of choice (dairy or non-dairy)
Cacao Nibs

Boil water for tea.
Brew ENERGY FLOW decaffeinated coffee using your preferred method.
While the coffee is brewing, allow the tea to steep. Using a timer may be helpful.
When both the coffee and chai are ready, combine them in a glass.
Add a few ice cubes. Sweeten to taste with your favorite sweetener.
Top with whipped cream and sprinkle with cacao nibs.

Sip and enjoy a quiet evening with your Twilight Tranquili.
Indulge in this delicious drink to bring a touch of serenity to your evenings.

French Press

How to Brew

Any volume of water. 60 grams of coffee per 1 liter of water. Brewing time 4-6 min.

For the French press, we use the coarsest grind. It has a grain size close to that of ground buckwheat. The coarse grind is used because the French press has a metal strainer that filters the coffee. This screen is quite large and the metal allows the fine particles to pass through.
The average extraction time is 4-6 minutes.


How to Brew

Water: 80 – 250 ml; Coffee + water (1:10); Coffee preparation time: 4-7 min; One rise

The grind used is “powdered”. Pour cold water over the coffee, stir and place on the heating element.
The cooking time is 4 to 7 minutes and it is recommended to lift the cezve once. The coffee should not boil. The temperature of the water should not exceed 92-94 degrees.


How to Brew

Coffee 60 g per 1 liter of water. Coarse grind. Moisten filter before brewing. Stir coffee before drinking

  1. Use medium-fine ground coffee, which should have the consistency of sand.
  2. Place a paper filter in the brew cup and pre-wet it with hot water to remove any paper taste and to preheat the brew cup.
  3. Add the ground coffee into the filter.
  4. Pour the required amount of water into the coffeemaker’s reservoir. If your coffeemaker doesn’t automatically heat the water to the optimal temperature, aim for between 90°C to 96°C.
  5. Turn on the coffeemaker. The water will heat up, pass through the coffee, and drip into the carafe.
  6. Once the brewing process is complete, wait a few minutes for the coffee to cool slightly, which allows the flavors to develop fully.
  7. Before serving, gently stir the coffee in the carafe to ensure the flavor is even throughout.

Moka Coffee Maker

How to Brew

Coffee 60 g per 1 liter of water. Fine grinding. Pour boiling water into the lower cup up to the valve

1. We use freshly ground coffee with a medium to medium-fine grind. Our grind is slightly coarser than for espresso.
2. Fill the Moka pot’s bottom with hot water to the safety valve and add coffee to the filter basket without tamping down.
2. Assemble the pot tightly to prevent leaks and place it on low heat to avoid burning the coffee.
3. Listen for a gurgling sound and check for a steady coffee stream. Once it turns light brown, remove from heat and cool the bottom under water.
4. Stir the coffee in the upper chamber for even flavor before serving.


How to Brew

Want to increase your energy?

Dive into the invigorating blend of coffee and adaptogenic herbs. With every sip of WEnergy coffee, unlock a wave of vitality and heightened focus.